!!!!! Please note our new email address: davidbbell@bluebottle.com !!!!! Our old email address (davidbbell@ono.com) will no longer be valid as of next week.
August, 2005
Bell Nouvelles in short:
-Good week at camp
-Good spirit among the young people
Prayer Requests:
-Newly saved
-Preparations for a trip to the States
Dear praying friends,
This letter is going to be a short one. I just wanted to take a minute to write a short update before we leave for our short trip to the States. The first week of August I accompanied the young people up to Guadalajara to a Christian camp. The Lord gave us a good week of camp with some good teaching/preaching about letting God control your life. I was able to help out with the teaching during two of the morning sessions. This year we had a very small group at camp from our church due to some conflicts with work schedules for several of the young people. But I am very thankful for the way the Lord is working in their hearts. During the summer months we always try to schedule some special meetings for the young people, and we have been enjoying these times of fellowship.
We would really appreciate your prayers for the Lord's working in hearts. We are seeing some real growth in several, but there are other situations that could show signs of spiritual danger. Please pray for continued growth in the church.