We had a good answer to prayer this week. Two weeks ago I took David to the ear doctor because he had complained about problems hearing. Much to our surprise, the doctor informed us that he had lost his hearing completely in his right ear. They sent us for an MRI to try to determine the cause of the hearing loss. This week we received the results of the test which confirmed that there were no more serious health issues behind this problem. We praise the Lord for this good news and look to Him as a family for continued strength. This week for our weekly prayer time, we were able to gather with another Christian family about 30 minutes away from us to pray. It was a blessing to share this time with them. On Sunday we began a new series of sermons on the Fruit of the Spirit. I preached from Galatians 5 about what God wants to produce in our lives. We were able to enjoy the Lord’s table together as a congregation, and then in the evening we met for our Bible study.
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Esta semana para nuestra reunión de oración nos juntamos con otra familia que vive a media hora de nosotros. Tuvimos un buen tiempo de comunión y oración. El domingo empezamos una nueva serie de mensajes sobre el fruto del Espíritu. Prediqué de Gálatas 5 sobre lo que Dios quiere hacer en nuestras vidas. También disfrutamos de la mesa del Señor y el estudio bíblico por la tarde.
David & Maribel
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