Tuesday, May 04, 2010

May 1-3

The Lord gave us a good Mothers’ Day on Sunday. We were happy to have my sister-in-law and brother-in-law in the service. I preached from Proverbs about mothers. After the service we had our monthly church meal and then the afternoon Bible study. We looked at Abraham’s faith in Romans 4. It was a good day with the believers. I was especially pleased with a question that Antonio asked during the study. He continues to grow in his understanding of the Word.

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El Señor nos dio un buen día de las madres. Tuvimos la visita de la hermana de Maribel en el culto. Prediqué de los Proverbios sobre la madre. Después del culto tuvimos nuestra comida mensual y luego nuestro estudio bíblico. Miramos la fe de Abraham en Romanos 4. Fue un día de mucha bendición con los creyentes. Durante el estudio, un creyente nuevo hizo una pregunta que demuestra que sigue creciendo en su entendimiento de la Palabra.

David & Maribel
"servabis pacem pacem quia in te speravimus; sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis" Is 26.3-4

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