David & Maribel
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
May 24-30
We had our last Bible study on campus for the year. My student came once again and heard the gospel yet again! I also was able to meet at our house with the young couple that I have mentioned before for another Bible study, as well as my weekly study with Antonio. On Sunday Antonio was in the service for the first time in a while. Although two of our families could not make it to the service this week, we had a good Sunday with our monthly fellowship meal. In the morning Israel preached about Saul's lack of discernment in 1 Samuel 14 and in the afternoon study we looked at the contrast between Saul's foolish decisions and David's wise choices, as well as noting some of David's decisions which did not show great discernment.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
May 17-23
I had a good visit in Galicia, although it was very quick. I arrived back home on Tuesday afternoon. We didn't have any students at the Bible study on campus this week. I was, however, able to continue my Bible study with Antonio. On Sunday I began a miniseries of messages on the signs of danger in Saul's life from 1 Samuel 13-15. We also had a good Bible study in San Vicente once again. Israel led the study with the children while I was with the adults.
David & Maribel
Thursday, May 12, 2011
May 3-9
I ended last week and began this one not feeling too well. So I took some time to recover the first days of the week. I was able to meet with Antonio on Friday morning to work on our Bible study once again. We had an excellent time together and I am very encouraged about the Lord's working in his life. On Friday afternoon, Maribel and I were able to take a day to "get away" to celebrate our anniversary. We praise the Lord for the 16 years of marriage He has given us! On Sunday I preached from Hebrews 4 about the One who sees all things. In the evening at our study in San Vicente we celebrated the Lord's table and then took some time to study the life of Hagar and her experience with the God who sees all things.
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Me puse enfermó la semana pasada, así que empecé esta semana un poco mal. No hice mucho los primeros días de la semana, pero después de más descanso empecé a sentirme mejor. El viernes por la mañana quedé con Antonio para volver a tomar nuestro estudio bíblico. Doy gracias a Dios por la obra que está haciendo en su vida. El viernes por la tarde Maribel y yo pudimos hacer una pequeña escapada para celebrar nuestro aniversario. Damos gracias a Dios por los 16 años que nos ha dado juntos. El domingo prediqué de Hebreos 4: El que todo lo ve. En nuestro estudio por la tarde en San Vicente celebramos la mesa del Señor y luego tomamos el tiempo para mirar la vida de Hagar y su experiencia con el Dios que todo los ve.
David & Maribel
Sum contenti Deõ enim dixit non me deseret neque derelinquet (Heb. 13.5)
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
Bell Nouvelles 14.1
– Evangelistic post cards
– Activity on website
– Stability in the congregation
– Bible study at the university
– New contacts for the gospel
– Salvation of young couple
– Summer evangelism
May, 2011
Dear friends,
It has been quite a while now that I look back. It seems that after the summer I got off track with these monthly reports. I have been publishing weekly reports on the Blog again, but now I am finally getting back to the monthly report! We really appreciate your prayers and will try to be faithful in keeping you informed.
I continue to lead a Bible study on the campus of the University of Alicante. This year we have made several new contacts with students. One came from my Hebrew class. This is the second year that I have been able to teach Biblical Hebrew. This year I had 16 students sign up for the course, and one girl showed interest in the weekly Bible study as well. She has been coming regularly all semester long. Please pray that the Lord would continue to give us opportunities to share the gospel this way and that we would see fruit that remains.
Last month we distributed over 9,000 gospel postcards in our town. We saw a significant increase in traffic on the church's website with many sermons being downloaded. We did not receive any direct calls or messages, however. Lord willing this month we will once again be printing and distributing more gospel postcards. Please pray with us for the Word to reach receptive hearts.
We would also appreciate your prayers for us as we organize and prepare for a group of students from Bob Jones University who will be studying Spanish here in the month of June. We are now in the process of finding host families for these students. This is a wonderful opportunity for these students to be a witness for Christ in these families. Please pray that we would get the right families.
We would also like to ask you to pray for a young unsaved couple. Through Israel, they made contact with us, and asked me to be involved in their wedding ceremony. Last week I met with them for a first session of pre-marrital counseling in which I shared the gospel very clearly with them. They have also attended one of our evening Bible studies. They are very open to the gospel, and we are extremely thankful for this wonderful opportunity to reach out to them.
Once again we covet your prayers for the Lord's work here in Petrer. Thank you for your interest and your part in the work here. As always, a more detailed weekly summary appears below.
David & Maribel
Sum contenti Deõ enim dixit non me deseret neque derelinquet (Heb. 13.5)
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– Postales evangelísticos
– Visitas a la página web
– Estabilidad en la congregación
– Estudio en la universidad
– Nuevos contactos para el evangelio
– Salvación de una pareja joven
– Evangelismo con estudiantes
mayo, 2011
Estimados amigos:
Ha pasado demasiado tiempo desde la última vez que escribí. Después del verano, salí de mi rutina y me ha costado volver a coger el ritmo. Volví a publicar los resúmenes semanales hace semanas, pero todavía no había mandado una carta mensual. Agradecemos vuestras oraciones para el ministerio aquí y por lo tanto vuelvo a enviar estas peticiones y noticias sobre la obra aquí.
Sigo con el estudio bíblico en el campus de la universidad. Este año hemos hecho algunos nuevos contactos. Un contacto vino por medio del curso de hebreo bíblico que he vuelto a enseñar este año (enseñé también el año pasado). Una de las alumnas mostró interés en el estudio bíblico y ha estado viniendo todo el cuatrimestre. Otro de mis alumno de inglés mostró interés en la Biblia y ha estado viniendo también. Orad por favor que el Señor nos siga dando nuevas oportunidades para compartir el evangelio de esta manera y que veamos fruto que permanece.
El mes pasado distribuimos más de 9.000 postales evangelísticos en nuestro pueblo. Hemos visto más tráfico en la página web y más sermones bajadas, pero no recibimos ningún contacto directo de estos folletos. Dios mediante, el mes que viene volveremos a imprimir y distribuir otros postales evangelísticos. Orad con nosotros para que Dios prepare corazones.
También apreciamos vuestras oraciones por nosotros mientras organizamos los detalles para un grupo de estudiantes de Estados Unidos. Los alumnos vivirán aquí en Petrer con familias del pueblo durante el mes de junio mientras estudian español. Estamos en el proceso ahora de buscar familias para hospedar a los alumnos. Es una oportunidad maravillosa para tener un testimonio con estas familias. Orad con nosotros que encontremos buenas familias.
También queremos pedir oración por una pareja joven. Por medio de Israel, se pusieron en contacto con nosotros y me pidieron que hiciera su ceremonia de bodas. La semana pasada me junté con ellos para una primera sesión de aconsejamiento prematrimonial en la cual compartí claramente el evangelio. También han venido a uno de nuestros estudios bíblicos por la tarde. Se han mostrado muy abiertos al evangelio. Damos gracias a Dios por esta buena oportunidad de compartir el evangelio y deseamos verles empezar su vida juntos con una buena base espiritual.
Una vez más agradecemos vuestras oraciones por la obra del Señor aquí en Petrer. Gracias por vuestro interés y vuestra parte en el ministerio. Como siempre abajo encontraréis los resúmenes semanales abajo.
David & Maribel
Sum contenti Deõ enim dixit non me deseret neque derelinquet (Heb. 13.5)
Monday, May 02, 2011
April 26-May 2
Last Monday we took several days to go to a retreat for families in Toledo. We all enjoyed the time of fellowship greatly. On Saturday I took Israel with me to a conference several hours away from here. We had a good time of fellowship in the car on the way there and back and enjoyed the preaching about the importance of the gospel. On Friday evening I met with an unsaved couple who approached me about the possibility of having us be involved in their wedding. We had a first study this week about the meaning of marriage and I gave them a very clear presentation of the gospel. They were very open and asked thoughtful questions. Lord willing this week we will meet again for another session. We are praying that the Lord will save this young couple. Yesterday I preached about the post resurrection appearances of Christ, focusing on Mary Magdalene and Peter.
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El lunes cogimos varios días para ir a Toledo para un retiro de familias. Todos disfrutamos nuestro tiempo con las familias allí. También esta semana llevé a Israel a una conferencia en Ciudad Real. Tuvimos un buen tiempo de conversación en el coche y disfrutamos las sesiones de predicación sobre la importancia del evangelio. El viernes me reuní con la pareja que vino al estudio en San Vicente hace unas semanas pidiendo que tomemos parte en su boda este verano. En el estudio, hablamos del significado del matrimonio y les presenté claramente el evangelio. Estaban muy abiertos e hicieron buenas preguntas. Dios mediante nos volveremos a juntar esta semana para otra sesión. Estamos orando que Dios abrirá sus ojos para que entiendan el evangelio y lo acepten. Ayer prediqué de dos apariciones del Cristo resucitado: María Magdalena y Pedro.
David & Maribel
Sum contenti Deõ enim dixit non me deseret neque derelinquet
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