Monday, September 27, 2010

September 21-27

This week I was able to meet with Antonio once again for our weekly Bible study. The Lord continues to work in his heart, and we see definite fruit in his life. On Sunday morning I preached a sermon which reviewed much of what we have looked at in the book of Nehemiah throughout the summer and focused specifically on Nehemiah’s prayer life. After the service we had our monthly fellowship meal followed by our afternoon Bible study. We had good attendance, even though we were missing a few of the regular people. In the evening, we went down to the church in Elche, where I preached. I spoke about the lessons we see in Jesus’ cleansing of the temple. It was an exhausting day, but one which was full of blessings.
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Esta semana pude reunirme con Antonio una vez más para nuestro estudio bíblico. El Señor sigue obrando en su corazón y vemos claramente el fruto. El domingo por la mañana prediqué un mensaje para repasar los temas principales que habíamos visto en el libro de Nehemías a lo largo del verano, enfocando específicamente en las oraciones de Nehemías. Después del culto tuvimos la comida fraternal mensual y después los estudios. Por la tarde bajamos a la iglesia de Elche y prediqué allí sobre las lecciones espirituales que vemos en la limpieza del templo que realizó Jesús en Jerusalén. Fue un día largo, pero lleno de bendiciones.

David & Maribel
Sum contenti Deõ enim dixit non me deseret neque derelinquet

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