Monday, September 28, 2009

September 22-28

On Wednesday evening we had our prayer time and were happy to have Maria Eugenia with us. Since Sergio is now gone, she spends her weekends out of town with her children, so this mid week service was the first time we have had her with us for a service in a long time. I met with Antonio and Gloria this week to continue preparing them for baptism. I am pleased with their understanding of baptism and their desire to give this testimony. Yesterday morning we had good attendance. I preached from Matthew 7 about judging ourselves before we try to help others. In the evening there were thunderstorm alerts which kept Angel and Patricia from making it back for the Bible study. But we met as a family and looked at Colossians 3, a passage which we are trying to memorize as a family. Lord willing (and weather permitting) next weekend will celebrate a baptismal service.

David & Maribel
"servabis pacem pacem quia in te speravimus; sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis" Is 26.3-4

Monday, September 21, 2009

September 14-21

School started this week for the kids and Maribel. We also had a great time with Pastor Conley and his wife. I drove up to Madrid to pick them up on Tuesday. We were able to spend the day on Wednesday together showing them around our town and around Alicante. The time of fellowship has encouraged us to continue forward in our calling. On Wednesday we were with the Conleys in the service in Elche, so we had our prayer meeting on Thursday. Yesterday morning I preached from Psalm 3 about remembering and recognizing God's blessings. When Absalom kicked David out of Jerusalem, many assumed that God had finished with David. But David by faith knew that God would save him when it was time. So often Satan gains the victory with us by making us overlook God's many blessings to us even in the middle of the trials. May we have clear vision to see God's hand at work in our lives! For our evening study we went to Emilio and Ester's house. I spoke from Matthew 11 and Luke 16. Israel's parents came for the study as well.

David & Maribel
"servabis pacem pacem quia in te speravimus; sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis" Is 26.3-4

Monday, September 14, 2009

September 8-14

This week I was able to get a good number of projects done around the house. The kids went down to Elche every day for the Vacation Bible School that Israel directed. We were very glad for them to be able to have that contact with other Christian children and sit under the teaching of the Word. For our prayer service we looked at Psalm 2 and its implications for prayer. Yesterday in the service I preached from Acts 8 about how we view God. Unfortunately we often try to use God for our own purposes, as Simon the Sorcerer did, instead of allowing God to use us for His own purposes. In the afternoon we got a severe thundershower and had some flooding in our basement where we hold our services. We are very thankful that nothing was ruined, and we were able to get rid of the water fairly quickly. In fact, we finished getting rid of the water and still had time to make it to Elche for evening service in which they talked about the Bible club and then Israel preached.

David & Maribel
"servabis pacem pacem quia in te speravimus; sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis" Is 26.3-4

Monday, September 07, 2009

September 1-7

Last week we got back from the USA. We arrived on Saturday evening and got a good night's sleep before Sunday morning. For our service I preached about being true disciples and making disciples. It was a good service with nearly everyone present. After the sermon Antonio gave a testimony. He thanked the Lord that Gloria has been declared cancer free, and he announced publicly that they want to be baptized. Throughout the week we have been working on the house to get things in shape after being away all summer. On Wednesday we started our first semi-formal prayer meeting. Right now it is just our family, because no one else is close enough to come. We will be studying the Psalms and spending time in prayer together. Yesterday I preached from Acts 16 about difficulties that arise when we follow God. In the evening we had our first evening Bible study after the summer, and I spoke about true wisdom from James 3.

David & Maribel
"servabis pacem pacem quia in te speravimus; sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis" Is 26.3-4