Monday, September 28, 2009

September 22-28

On Wednesday evening we had our prayer time and were happy to have Maria Eugenia with us. Since Sergio is now gone, she spends her weekends out of town with her children, so this mid week service was the first time we have had her with us for a service in a long time. I met with Antonio and Gloria this week to continue preparing them for baptism. I am pleased with their understanding of baptism and their desire to give this testimony. Yesterday morning we had good attendance. I preached from Matthew 7 about judging ourselves before we try to help others. In the evening there were thunderstorm alerts which kept Angel and Patricia from making it back for the Bible study. But we met as a family and looked at Colossians 3, a passage which we are trying to memorize as a family. Lord willing (and weather permitting) next weekend will celebrate a baptismal service.

David & Maribel
"servabis pacem pacem quia in te speravimus; sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis" Is 26.3-4

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