Monday, September 14, 2009

September 8-14

This week I was able to get a good number of projects done around the house. The kids went down to Elche every day for the Vacation Bible School that Israel directed. We were very glad for them to be able to have that contact with other Christian children and sit under the teaching of the Word. For our prayer service we looked at Psalm 2 and its implications for prayer. Yesterday in the service I preached from Acts 8 about how we view God. Unfortunately we often try to use God for our own purposes, as Simon the Sorcerer did, instead of allowing God to use us for His own purposes. In the afternoon we got a severe thundershower and had some flooding in our basement where we hold our services. We are very thankful that nothing was ruined, and we were able to get rid of the water fairly quickly. In fact, we finished getting rid of the water and still had time to make it to Elche for evening service in which they talked about the Bible club and then Israel preached.

David & Maribel
"servabis pacem pacem quia in te speravimus; sperastis in Domino in saeculis aeternis" Is 26.3-4

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