Saturday, April 02, 2011

March 14-21

At the university this week, there were only two of us present for the study. We are hitting the midpoint of the semester, and things are getting busy for many students. On Sunday we had a good group present in the morning. I preached on "Don't judge, help" from Matthew 7.1-6. In the evening we met in San Vicente and we looked at several occasions in the Scriptures in which people confronted others and thus helped them get the speck out of their eye.

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Después de varias semanas con buena asistencia, éramos sólo dos en el estudio. Es un momento difícil en el semestre. El domingo tuvimos un buen grupo presente por la mañana. Prediqué de "No juzgues sino ayuda" de Mateo 7.1-6. Por la tarde en San Vicente estudiamos varias ocasiones en las Escrituras en que personas les confrontaron a otros y así los ayudar sacar la paja de su ojo.

David & Maribel
Sum contenti Deõ enim dixit non me deseret neque derelinquet

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