Saturday, April 02, 2011

March 22-28

This week we were not able to have the Bible study on campus because of work in the library. My Hebrew class I am teaching continues to go well. This week we were also able to distribute 9000 tracts in Petrer, covering one of the major sections of the city. Please pray with us for new contacts through these tracts. On Thursday I was able to meet with Antonio once again. He just returned from his trip. I was happy to hear of his continued faith! Yesterday we had our monthly meal after the morning service. I preached on dangers for the true disciple. After the meal we had a Bible study about some of the would-be disciples.
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Esta semana no pudimos tener el estudio bíblico en el campus por obras en la biblioteca. Mi clase de hebreo sigue bien. También esta semana distribuimos 9.000 folletos en Petrer, cubriendo una de las secciones principales de la ciudad. Orad con nosotros por nuevos contactos. El jueves estaba contento de volver a ver a Antonio. Acaba de volver de un viaje y sigue firme en el Señor. Ayer tuvimos nuestra comida mensual después del culto. Prediqué de dos peligros que enfrenta el verdadero discípulo. Después de la comida hicimos un estudio bíblico sobre algunos de los que aspirar ser discípulos pero no llegaron a serlo.

David & Maribel
Sum contenti Deõ enim dixit non me deseret neque derelinquet

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